Kiss the Sky

Walking back from my mailbox this afternoon. I stop and look up at the sky. Its deep blue, splashed with white fluffs of cloud. Around me are trees, thousands of bright yellow autumn brushstrokes, and suddenly I feel the colors reaching into me. I sense that I am being fed, but also that being consciously present I am actively receiving them. A mutual interaction with the vibrancy of life, and a deep intimacy and joy. I know without thinking that it is good to come outside and stand in the spaciousness under this blue Colorado sky, that something in me wakes up and connects, that I need these colors, these vibrations.

You might not think of scientific inquiry and making love as the same thing, but fundamentally they are. Both are about being present with another aspect of the universe, opening to touch and be touched in a way that deepens and changes both parties. Both are inquiries into what is present in front of us and how we are experiencing it, best enacted with minimal projection and expectation, letting the mystery of the unknown unfold into understanding in the intimacy of the experience itself.

I stay with this experience, feeling into it and being drawn into my Self. When I go inside again there is a deep meditation in which I have a swirling vision of what happens when I meet the world. There is an opening and an acceptance of that new thing. Perhaps as much an inner opening and discovery/acceptance as an outward one. In opening to the other, you allow an aspect of source that is manifesting through it, or him or her, to come alive in you. It wells up like the reflection appearing in a mirror, taking form in response to the other. Your acceptance of the inner experience allows a part of your Self to be pulled into form in your self. In understanding the other, you open to your Self, just like opening your heart in love, and with as much joy.

This exploration is at the heart of science: sitting in the question so you can receive the answer. Human beings are the most complex and sensitive measuring instruments in the universe, meaning we can experience anything, any vibration or frequency, through our bodies and their physical extensions, including all the emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of Self.You have direct experience of much more than you imagine, and when you can sit open to this experience your inner divinity and an outer aspect of the divine come face to face. In that space, that open inquiry, spirit lands, and love is made. Love is spun whenever Source witnesses Itself with open appreciation and acceptance. This is the force that holds atoms together, binds planets around suns, yields the wonder of a sunrise, is the love for your beloved, or the joy of understanding the answer to a question.

Experience aspects of yourself this way, in compassionate appreciation, and feel the love expand. Open to nature and feel the love flow over you, twined with deep understanding. Find this with your mind and call it science, or with your beloved and call it love.

Enjoy your explorations and spin great love out into the world.

(© 10/2012)

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