The Light of the World

In the vast void of space the stars are born. They live by forging the elements that comprise our life and also radiate the light that nourishes that life. There is light in the outer dark.

In the void of inner space, between the star-born elemental atoms that give your body form, lives the Spirit that is your Self. When you close your eyes and look with your heart and your spirit, there is light in the inner dark.

In the heart of the Yin the Yang is born, and in the heart of our depths our soul is living. Dropping though the veils of emotions and beliefs we come to the darkness of the internal void. Surrendering here, our awareness moves through the apparently empty surface into the sea of infinite potential that lies beneath it. This sea of quantum becoming is the light and love of spirit that underlies and interpenetrates all manifest life.

Remembering that this source exists inside us, it can shine out from those depths, as starlight radiates outwards from each generative core. Surrendering the veils we open to the inner light and let it shine out from our Self. Instead of groping in the external dark for a candle we become the candle for ourself and the world.

This is the core of this season of Solstice and Christmas. Remembering that the Light is born from the dark, that love always radiates within us. That our essential being never dies and is always ready to be reborn into the world whenever we relax and stop trying to find it outside our Self.

It is natural at this time of year to go into the darkness, to slow down and release external activities, identifications, and attachments that distract us from the core of who we are. It is only in an external context that we feel alone and isolated sitting in the dark. When we let our awareness be still and center we find the light radiating from inside us, and we become aware of the spiritual light that is flooding onto the Earth at this season of rebirth and renewal.

Desolving into our inner void we wake to the sea of all possibilities from which we can be reborn as anything that serves our Self and Soul. It is fitting to let the external die away, so that we may be reborn from the spiritual core of who we are, the core that is eternal and never dies.

Our ancestors may have come to this time of the year in fear of the dark, calling the light back in from desperation. We can come to this time of the year in willing sacrifice and the joyful celebration of the light we know is always there for us. Remembering that no matter how dark it may seem outside, or on the surface inside, in our depths we are full of light and love. Dive deep, drink deep and let it shine for your Self and into your world and you will see that even the longest night is full of stars and bright with spiritual light and love.

(© 12/2011)

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