Time Travel

Daydreaming we travel in space and time. You are off in the past remembering a beautiful sea shore or mountain stream, or out in the future imagining your next vacation. Even planning a meeting or reviewing the last one, you are not entirely in the present.

Your body is located now in time, and we are used to thinking of ourselves as similarly being in present time, but psychically and energetically we are time travelers.

Recently listening to a story of traumatic events, I remembered a car accident I was a passenger in as a teenager. My neck starts hurting, I can feel the urge to fly up and out of my body, and I notice an internal freeze reaction to something I cannot escape or do anything about that is shutting down feeling. The past is still with me, or I am partially still then. Time is mixed at a level beyond traveling in my imagination. Part of me is still existing in or connected to that past time, and when I think or talk about it, or experience something similar now, I am time traveling back, remembering or even re-experiencing that time and those events.

Our awareness moves into the past with each memory and association. We regress in ourself to become again the teenager, child or infant that we were then. Things that we experienced incompletely at the time carry residual emotional charges, which pull us back. The more so for larger charges.

Sitting consciously with the old experience the emotions can complete and fade, my neck is ok and I feel more alive and spacious. I have released the charge, reclaiming life force and returned to be more fully present in the now. This allows me to reset my expectations and relationship with the world today, being more open to positive experiences, rather than bracing against negative, and life responds, opportunities appear.

We know what it means to be scattered in the present. Most of us are also scattered in time, but each charged memory, habit or old pattern that we can sit with and clear, allows us to live as our adult self in the present, responding rather than reacting to each new experience.

There is an irony here. The more our awareness is consciously or unconsciously elsewhen, the more likely we are to incompletely experience the here and now, to miss things, or leave a residual emotional charge that will keep part of us in this moment, and thus in the future pull us back into this past. The more we avoid the moment, the longer we will carry it with us. The more present we are with it the, the less we will travel unconsciously in time.

Its not bad to be able to consciously time travel, to remember or revisit, but when we unconsciously leave pieces anchored behind us, we loose the choice and are constantly being distracted, dealing with the present as if it was the past, and the wheel turns round and round.

Releasing the old pictures, clearing the charges and completing old emotions allows us to come forward from the past. We become whole and coherent, as does our present experience. Unscrambling time we have richer more effective and rewarding experiences in the present. The more you do it the easier it becomes.

(© 4/2014)

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