Mediating Love

Is there is at least one person in your life that you are hesitant to love, because of “whatever”? old love, new love, pick one.

Validate how great a reason it is, but let it go. Focus on your heart and notice if it is happier. Does your heart open or close if you give it permission to love that person? Let go of all the stories and thoughts around this. Does it relax and fill with love and joy? Your heart is happier when it’s loving. Realize that this has nothing to do with the other person. It has to do with the part of your heart that has been shut down, opening to mediate love into the world as it is meant to do.

When you see an infant, do you decide to love it, or does that just happen? When you are out in the nature and a landscape takes your breath away, do you think about joy? or just notice that its there? When you consider the places, people, animals that you love, for how many was it a conscious choice rather than a spontaneous happening? The natural state is for the heart to love.

So why is it that we usually talk about love as something that is rare, as an exceptional state of being? Don’t we have it backwards?

The Source of all things IS love. The subtle energies that radiate outward to form the manifest universe are also love. You come from love, are woven of love, and it is your natural state of being. When we “feel love” in the course of daily events it is not that something special has shown up, but that the veils and armor have pealed back and we are experiencing our true essence.

When any two parts of creation meet, what happens? Their energy fields experience each other, and the source energy in each reflects that in the other. There is an appreciation, an attraction, and a field of energy between them that is love. The universe “looking” at itself is a joyful thing.

As humans we come into body to share in this dance, to embody aspects of the Love that is Source, to meet and experience other aspects of Source. Consider an infant playing, this is who we are. When we are able to openly experience the world around us it brings us joy, because the energy of Source is flowing through us. We feel love, are in love, are love.

Loving is our natural state, until we shut it down, create separations, judge, limit and condition it. When we have loved and that other goes away (for any reason), we think we are hurt because they have taken their love with them. Consider rather, that we have lost the opportunity to love them, that the love we have been mediating has stopped flowing. Not because we want to stop it, but because we think we have to.

The true power of forgiveness is that you can stop holding back. Opening your heart again, love flows through you. You become more whole. It has little to do with those that you are forgiving, unless it is part of yourself. It has everything to do with opening your heart so the Love that is your essence can come alive and flow through you into the world. This takes you beyond pleasure, beyond enjoyment and into the realm of bliss.

Wishing you all the joy of an open heart.

(© 8/2012)

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