Grounding and Freedom

I’ve just returned from my daughter’s college graduation. It was a time of joy and celebration, but also of completion for her. Nothing is left behind unfinished. Library fines are paid, parking dues cleared, all papers are finished, classes passed. Perhaps she could advance from one year to the next with some outstanding business, but not for this graduation. Her freedom today is based on having shown up and worked through all these things.

We all have an urge to be free, to be able to fly, metaphorically or literally; to be able to be who we feel we are, to travel, to let go of rules that limit us in different ways. In spite of many efforts we often still feel that in some way we were not as free as we can be, and that being in the human world is a source of this lack of freedom. We came here, acted, reacted and created karma that ties us to coming back here.

Fueled by memories of birth; the shift from a sense of self as a vast spiritual being to a limited human infant we have an urge to be free beyond the earthly freedoms found even in flight, to graduate back to spirit in a way that we do not have to return unless we want to. So we strive upwards even in the body, flee ourselves until perhaps we don’t even feel all of our body.

The catch is that “karma”, our unfinished energetic business is something we carry with us. Its not external judgments, even by Spirit, but patterns we carry that need to unwind and complete. Until we do this we can’t fully graduate, we must return, because this is the only place we can complete them.

So we must learn to be present, on Earth and in the body, because, perhaps ironically, doing this consciously is the only way to release ourselves to go elsewhere. So even when our urge is to flee, grounding into the Earth and into our bodies is not a trap, but the best way to gain the freedom we seek.

Grounding consciously into the Earth, helps us to be more fully present in the body, and helps us to do this safely by giving our energy bodies more form, and better boundaries. Grounding into the Earth helps us to release, update and transform those energies we are carrying that are not in harmony with our souls, to complete the incompletes that tie us here.

By acknowledging the energetic connections to the Earth, as well as the Cosmic we find our own space, give space to the internal traumas and fears so that we can perform the alchemies that set us free karmically and energetically.

Perhaps, like me, a practice of feeling into your legs, your feet, and then down into the ground, until you can feel the earth supporting you, will be useful.

May you find the grace and courage to ground into the earth and be fully present so that you can finish all your outstanding business and graduate into fuller spiritual freedom.

(© 6/2009)

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