Being Best

How often have we heard these words, directly spoken or indirectly heard in movies, read in books, sung in songs? We are urged to compete, with others, with ourselves, with nature, but to be the best in any of many senses, from an Olympic athlete to a loyal friend. All worthy goals.

We may have been told to get the best grades, swim the fastest race, be the nicest person, to be better than someone, or everyone, or just to better ourselves. Excellence is defined in many ways, but we all want to excel, it is natural and part of us as human beings.

Recently a question floated through. How often do we think of being best as something out there? as opposed to in here? or to put it another way: Do we look around and select something that is already defined and work to be best at it? or do we take the time to go inside and ask what are we best suited for in life? Where will we naturally excel? What gifts to we bring to the world?

This may seem like a slight distinction, and like many things in life we may be working with both sides of this question at the same time; but are we living our life to be the best version of us? or are we living it to achieve the positive regard of others? Take a moment to settle into the question, the answer is for you, not for me. There is no wrong answer, just information and choices.

Do we ask what does the world expect us to be, or want us to be? or do we ask who am I? It is usually easier to answer the former question, but surely it is ultimately more satisfying to take the time to pursue the latter.

No one can be better at being you than you are. When you find your heart and it’s bliss they will lead you to what you can uniquely offer to the world. You, at least, will be satisfied, but I expect “the world” will notice as well.

(© 7/2008)

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