Reflections of Beauty

Remembering beauty. A vision of nature, a sky, an animal, vast mountains or a few snow flakes. A work of art that you saw, or heard, or felt. A dance or sport that you lost yourself in. A child or partner. Let that experience of beauty well up in you, filling your heart and your body.

Who are you now as you experience beauty? Gently float that question on the lake of your being and receive the answer in whatever form it comes. You know it already, allow it to come to you. Breathe gently.

For most of us, when we experience beauty in this way, we say it moves something in us, inspires us. It is a way to come closer to divinity, expressed through the beauty in front of us. We cultivate these experiences, each in our own way, seeking works of art, places in nature, people or things that are beautiful, as if they are separate from us.

Focus now on that part of you which was “moved”, that part of you that was able to experience the beauty outside. Perception is a resonance effect. The eye can absorb a shade of light because there is atomic resonance. The heart can feel and be moved because it has these states within itself. You recognize and are affected by beauty in the world because you have it already inside yourself.

You, your soul, that which is divine within you, is stirred, not by absorbing something external, but by the resonance: part of you is awoken within you. It was there all along.

We easily believe, when we see a sad movie and we cry, that it is a part of us reflected on the screen that is crying. We remember our own sadness and release a part of it. But do we accept that when we see something beautiful and we soar, it is also a part of us that flies. Know that it is.

We recognize sadness because we have that within us. And. We are elevated by the sublime, because we have that within us too. Your experience of beauty in the world is an experience of a beautiful part of your Self. The worldly beauty only reflects your own beauty back to you, awakening, reminding.

Settling now into your beauty, let these memories lead you back to yourself, to your soul. Recognize and own your immense soul beauty. Being there, know that it is your Self that you are experiencing and deepen into it. Don’t ask how, know that you know, and let it happen.

Now look at your hand, or around the room, or out the window. Bring that state of beauty you have found within to all that you sense, and you will find it beautiful all too. When you are aware of the beauty that is alive in your heart and bring it to your senses it will be alive in everything that you experience. It is simply a choice in awareness; to see from the soul, from connection, from inner beauty. The divine is always experiencing the divine, which is in everything. Practice awareness of this and let the world reflect the beauty that you are.

(© 2/10)

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