Human Spiritual Structure: Shudhis
Notes in progress © 1998-2002 Alan McAllister  

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The shudhis are tantric meditative techniques for withdrawing the consciousness from the lower levels of mind and concentrating it for the journey to the higher levels, back to its source. The first corresponds to shutting down the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain stem, so that all external sensory stimuli are blocked from awareness. This is done by essentially imagining the void, or the state of no sensory input. Since the mind cannot tell the difference between an external image, or an internal image this leads to the experience of the void. The second corresponds to blocking the internal sensory signals originating in the body itself. In this process the awareness is completely withdrawn into the thalamus, [are these body signals also processed by the RAS? or by some other physical organ?] The third cleans the subconscious and introduces the thought of the infinite, the goal of the meditation. Thus the meditation starts from the

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Last updated January 19, 1998. AHM.
Alan McAllister

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